Use the summer moons as an excuse for a luxurious ritual bath.
With seasonal ingredients like lavender, mint, rose, chamomile, and local wildflowers, this purification bath cleanses the spirit and nourishes the soul.
Summer is the perfect season for purification baths! If you’re lucky, you can even do them outdoors!

Magical Correspondences
Understanding how your ritual ingredients correspond to the season, your intentions and the energy of the natural world around you is critical to your magic’s effectiveness.
In this case, our intention is to purify our spirits, clearing away negative energy and filling that space with positive vibes and holistic spiritual wellness.
The soft, delicate scent of chamomile evokes a sense of peace, wonder, and the magic of the invisible world around us.
Chamomile is a solar flower, meaning it is ruled by the sun and perfect for sun magic during the summer moons.
We add it to this bath to promote a sense of well-being, light, and inner beauty.
Mint is a classic purification herb. It’s used to clear the mind and mental space in particular.
It also attracts abundance, material success, and sound judgment.
Rose is a precious garden flower. It is fairy-loving and attracts feelings of warmth and gratitude.
It’s also a perfect addition to pretty much any summer ritual, including Litha, any summer full moon, rituals to honor the woodland spirits, ect.
Lavender is peace in a plant. This calming, restorative botanical soothes stress, induces prophetic dreaming and enhances psychic awareness.
It also comes into season in high summer, so it’s full of sun energy and the magic of the light as it is reflected on the summer moons.
Summer Solstice Moon Bath
*2 parts dried rose
*2 parts dried lavender
*1 part dried mint
*1 part dried chamomile
*seasonal flowers
Step 1

Combine dried lavender, rose, mint, and chamomile.
Using a mortar and pestle or blender, grind the flowers down to a fine powder.
(There are advantages and disadvantages to each. Of course, the bender is faster and more convenient. But hand-grinding your herbs is a beautiful, meditative process that imparts your personal energy very effectively and creates deeper meaning in the ritual).
Step 2
Combine your ground herbs with salt. Use enough salt so that the botanical grind is at about a 50/50 ratio with the salt.
Step 3

On the night of the full moon, the botanical salts to your bathwater. Toss in a handful of seasonal flowers (store-bought or—even better—hand-gathered).
Light a few candles, or consider placing some gemstones on the tub’s edge or counter.
For enhanced aroma, add a few drops of rose essential oil if you happen to have some on hand.
Get blissed.

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