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By Moody Moons, Festivals & Sabbats

Beltane Ritual for Solitary Witches

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

A Beltane ritual for solitary practitioners to encourage fertile ground for personal growth and new goals!

If you celebrate Beltane, you likely associate this holiday with couplehood, fertility, and communion with others.

Naturally, these themes imply group settings or romantic partners.

But if you’re flying your broomstick solo this May Day, try this Beltane ritual for solitaries and make something magical out of this sacred holiday.

Beltane ritual for solitary practitioners.

Most modern witches celebrate Beltane on or about May 1st.

It is a fire festival.  Fire at this time is used for cleansing, purification, and the “burning away” of old patterns and habits that no longer serve us.

The ashes that the fire produces leave behind the fertile ground, making way for new growth.

This cycle—of burning the old, not just to make room for the new, but to actually feed and fertilize it—is a beautiful and timeless metaphor for the spirit of the season.

The following ritual harnesses the imagery of the fire and its ashes to help you leave old ways behind and begin anew.  The goal is not to admonish yourself for mistakes made in the past, but to recognize that every experience you’ve had–even the ones you wish to leave behind—will serve you on your quest for growth.

You have the power to walk away from the old and it drives your power to discover something new.

Things You Will Need


-a cauldron or fire-safe bowl

-(affiliate link —–>) charcoal disk

-light or matches

-dried mugwort, roses, or violets

-metal tin

Step 1

Take some time to set up your altar or ritual space somewhere outdoors.  Really make it an expression of the landscape around you.  Gather wildflowers, stones, or other natural items and arrange them in a way that feels pleasing to you.

Consider adding handmade items that symbolize the season (like these crushingly adorable handmade mini maypoles!) or floral wreaths.

Step 2

On a piece of paper, write down anything you want to leave behind from the previous season of winter.

This may include toxic habits, people, or a job that holds you back from manifesting a better life.

Step 3

Place the paper in the cauldron or fire-safe dish with the charcoal disk on top of it.  Light the paper and allow it to ignite the charcoal disk.

When the charcoal disk begins to burn and spark well, sprinkle the dried roses, violets, or mugwort atop the disk.

As the smoke rises, imagine it carries with it all the things you wish to let go of in your life.

Feel yourself becoming lighter and space opening up inside you, ready to be filled with something new.

Step 4

As the charcoal disk begins to die out and the flow of the smoke slows, allow the cauldron to cool.

Take some time to visualize yourself foraging a new path and leaving behind all that hinders you.

Once the cauldron is cooled, place the ashes in a metal tin.

Take the ashes to a fertile garden and scatter them.

Know that as they fertilize the plants of the garden, they also fertilize your newest and brightest intentions.

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

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