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Be Gone Banishing Spell Powder Recipe

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Try this recipe for “be gone” banishing spell powder and walk away from a negative situation for good.

Ready to ditch a toxic relationship?  Or just quit biting your nails?  Banishing powder is a powerful spell ingredient to get icky-sticky vibes to move along out of your life.

We love sharing spell recipes with you that are easy and accessible.  For this one, you just need 5 ingredients.  And good news—they’re probably already in your home! 

What is banishing spell powder?

Witch’s banishing powder is a spell ingredient used to drive out negativity in your life.

This negativity takes on many forms—from a job that no longer suits you to a friendship gone bad.

Use this spell ingredient on its own (such as in a spell bag) or as a supporting component in a more complex spell to banish toxic relationships, situations, or habits.

Say goodbye to toxic friendships, bad habits and shitty circumstances with this recipe for be gone banishing spell powder.

Things You Will Need

*small, clean glass jar

*hearth ashes (or, sub black salts)

*ground cayenne pepper

*ground garlic

*sea salt

*ground black pepper


Place equal parts of all ingredients in the clean glass jar and blend well with a chopstick or craft stick,

Charge in the full moonlight and store for later use for up to 1 year.

Ways to use your banishing spell powder.

Now that you whipped up your first batch, it’s time to make use of it in your spellcraft.  Here are some ideas to use banishing spell powder.

Banish a toxic friendship.

We all, from time to time, get caught up in a friendship that leaves us feeling drained, resentful, or even angry.  If you find yourself spirally down the whirlpool of a friendship that seems to suck the life out of you, try using banishing powder to let go of a toxic friendship.

Stop a bad habit in its tracks.

Trying to quit something?  Donuts?  Vaping?  A wicked addiction to video games?

Use this powder in a spell to banish a bad habit.

Get the courage to get out of a bad job situation.

Leaving a job you hate is scary—but if you don’t take the leap, you could end up wasting years of your life in a miserable situation.

And that’s way scarier.

Use banishing powder to “banish” your fears about breaking out of your comfort zone and finding something that’s better suited to your life’s purpose.

Remind yourself of all the times you’ve leaped and landed on your feet.

Banish a place from your life.

Sometimes, a change of scenery works wonders to restore your sense of adventure and breathe life into your worldview.

If you feel stuck in your current living situation for whatever reason (incompatible roommates, sociopathic landlord, or just the wrong scene for you) don’t focus on getting the place or the people in it to change.

You change.  Leave it behind and let them do what they do.

Trust me, you’ll thank yourself later.

Use banishing powder to banish a place from your life—or yourself from a place.  Look at it in any way that’s most helpful.

Witch’s Banishing Powder

  • small glass jar
  • craft stick or chopstick (for stirring)
  • garlic
  • sea salt
  • fireplace or hearth ashes
  • ground cayenne pepper
  • ground peppercorns
  1. Blend equal parts all ingredients in a clean glass jar, stirring thoroughly with a chopstick or craft stick.

  2. Leave in the full moonlight to charge. Store for later use for up to 1 year.


Make this recipe for a witch's banishing powder using ingredients you probably already have and say "Be gone!" to negativity in your life.

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

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