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5 Things to Consider Before Becoming a Professional Tarot Reader


Written by: Tina Caro

Have you been reading tarot for a while?  Are you at a comfortable level of fluency with the cards?  Before you consider becoming a professional tarot reader, there are some things to seriously consider.

Take a moment to do a quick personal inventory.


1.  What are your ethics? 

While everyone is different in this respect, I think it’s important to establish some firm boundaries for yourself and be open about them with your clients.

Personally, I don’t like the word “psychic,” because for me, it has too many connotations that I’m not prepared to identify with.

I also like to explain ahead of time that reading tarot is about showing people their options, not telling them how to make decisions.  It’s important to me to empower my clients rather than leave them with a feeling of dependency.

What standards will you set for yourself?  If you haven’t thought about it, it’s time to get those squared away before you book your first session.

2.   How comfortable are you with discussing the intimate details of someone’s life? 

When I first started reading professionally, I was astonished by how forthcoming strangers were with me.  They discussed extremely private parts of their lives, including combat experiences, extramarital affairs, and mental health problems.  If you are squeamish about the idea of addressing topics like these, reading is not for you.

3.  Can you keep a secret? 

See #2.  Nothing will ruin your reputation faster as a reader than dishing the details of a client’s private life.  Be honest with yourself:  are you a gossip?  There are worse things to be, but if this is a weakness for you, consider another line of work.  You can really do damage to peoples’ lives this way.

That being said, I always warn first-time clients that if they disclose plans to hurt themselves or others, I will tell someone.

4.  How judgemental are you? 

Compassion and a non-judgemental attitude are absolutely essential to the art of reading for a bunch of reasons.

First, if you’re quick to jump to conclusions, it tends to cloud your intuition.

But more importantly, humans are incredibly adept at reading subtle, non-verbal cues.  If you’re judging someone for sleeping with multiple partners, blowing her inheritance on foolish expenditures, or lying to her boss, she’s more likely to pick up this than you think, and you may not even know it.

5.  Know when to part ways. 

Tarot reading is a very personal affair.  Not all clients will be good fits.  If you sense you’re not really helping someone, don’t continue to take her money.

This is particularly true with the Tarot Addict.  While good readers will undoubtedly build up a regular clientele, there is a difference between a loyal customer and a junkie.  If you have someone who calls you every time they need to make even minor life decisions, becomes anxious if you are unable to see them, or starts to become obsessive, do the right thing and let them go.

For other creative tarot posts, check out Moody Moon’s tarot archives.

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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