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By Moody Moons, Sea Witch, Summer Magic

9 Ideas for the Sea Witch

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Summer is the undeniable high season of the sea witch. 

Whether you live by the ocean, visit once a year, or are land-locked with eyes gazing wistfully at some far-away coastline, sea witchery is accessible and beneficial for everyone.

Let the moon tides of the ocean wash over you with one of these ideas.

What is a sea witch?

A sea witch is anyone who practices magic that centers around the ocean as a sacred experience.  This form of magic may be indulged in occasionally or as a core focus of your practice.  

If you are a water sign, you may feel a special connection to the ocean.  But almost anyone can understand the awesome power of the ocean and its hypnotic allure.

Want to try experimenting with sea magic this summer?  Try one of these ideas.

Make a batch of mermaid oil.

Sea witch ocean potion for Elemental Magic and evoking the power of water.

Mermaid oil (or “ocean potion) is like having the essence of the ocean in a bottle.

Try this recipe for mermaid oil and use it whenever you want to evoke the power of water.

Create a sea witch altar.

Bring the magic of the ocean into your sacred space by creating a sea witch altar.

Pile it with treasures collected from the beach, water-centered art, and/or statues of water goddesses.

Take a class.

Are you drawn to the power of the ocean? Do you want to start incorporating it into your spiritual practice? Try one of these magical ideas for sea witchery.

Want to make sea witchery a fuller part of your practice?  Take Moody Moon’s course, Sea Witch 101:  An Introduction to Ocean Magic.

You’ll learn all the basics, and a lot more.

Incorporate sea witchery into your kitchen witch practice.

A sea witch's recipe for abundance coconut shrimp.

Blending two magical skills together is a powerful way to synchronize energy and get the most out of your witchy talents.

Start thinking of seafood as a sacred meal gifted to you by the mother spirit of the ocean.  

Try this kitchen witch recipe for Abundance Coconut Shrimp.  

Or, get creative and come up with your own ideas!  Even if you aren’t a meat eater, you can try using seaweed or sea salt to season dishes.

Break out that collection of sea shells.

Don’t just leave your seashells in a box in the back of your closet.

Knock the spiritual dust off of them and bring them back into the light.

There are so many lovely ways to use your seashells in spells and magic.

Try a purification ritual.

Into the River: Introduction to Ritual Cleansing

Purification rituals in natural bodies of water are amazing.  They leave you feeling spiritually cleansed and refreshed and help to “wash away” low mood and anxiety.

Any body of water works, but the ocean is especially powerful.

Check out this introduction to ritual purification for more information on how to get started in this powerful practice.

In ritual bath.

Element of water sea kelp & coconut ritual salt scrub.

Want to incorporate the ocean into your ritual cleansing, but can’t get to the seaside any time soon?

Try this ritual bath salt made with sea salt & kelp.

So refreshing.

Try a sea witch spell jar.

The art of spell jars is a great skill set to have in general.

And there’s no reason not to base one around your ocean magic practice.

Try this sea witch spell jar to empower a spell intention with the element of water.

Do this sea-witchy tarot spread.

Got a problem you can’t seem to think your way out of?  Has life rocked your boat lately?  

This Bridge Over Troubled Water tarot spread provides insight into how to sail your way out of stormy waters.

Use the power of water to divine your way out of divine mess.

Having an amazing summer season in your sea witch practice.

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

new pic - lumina indigo magickal spot

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