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By Moody Moons, Everyday Pagan

Interview With Scarlet Ravenswood

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

A rising pagan Youtube star, entrepreneur and professional tarot reader, expect to find Scarlet Ravenswood on the up-and-coming occult stage.

I sat down with her recently to discuss her favorite tarot deck, the Chicago witchcraft scene and where she sees her business in five years.

Please note:  I almost never post other people’s photos, and prefer to use my own original work on this blog.  However, I made an exception for Scarlet Ravenswood, whom I could not photograph myself due to distance.  Also, she happens to be a pretty talented photographer.  🙂  All images used with express, written permission.

1.  Where and how did your journey with the Craft begin?

When I was around 13 I went on a family trip to Boston and we stopped for the day in Salem.  I was absolutely enthralled by everything in Salem and while I was there I purchased the book Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham.  I had always had a strong connection with nature as a child and it was wonderful to discover a spiritual path that not only embraced nature, but was also empowering. I knew immediately that this would be the path for me.

2.  What’s the witchcraft scene like in Chicago? 

Living in the city it can be difficult to find secluded natural spaces for rituals and spells so often my practice occurs in doors.  Though I do make an effort to seek out the parks in the city to stay in tune with nature and the seasons.  On the other hand living in the city provides a lot of great opportunities to meet fellow witches.  There are plenty of Wiccan meetups and study groups in Chicago so I’m always able to connect and meet new people that have have similar spiritual interests.

3.  You clearly have a thing for tarot cards.  What deck are you currently working with the most and why do you like it?

Tarot has been a big part of my life for many years and it’s wonderful to see how many new people are discovering this divination system.  Tarot is wonderful as there is always something new to learn and gain from the practice.  I’ve currently been working a lot with the Fountain tarot, which has a really unique approach to the card images.  The images are in a contemporary style but in beautiful watercolor, which creates an interesting ethereal aesthetic.  There are so many wonderful deck creators out there that are really bringing a lot of inspiration and beauty to the tarot world.

4.  What are some of the challenges you face as a “professional pagan”?

I’ve been a professional tarot reader for several years now and I’ve learned so much in the process.  I love being able to focus on my spiritual interests each day and I am so happy that I had the courage to leave my 9 to 5 to start my own business.  Just like any other business I discovered that mastery of tech skills would be essential.  Before I started my business, Arcane Alchemy, I didn’t know that much about web design, graphic design, social media marketing, and coding.  These were all skills that I had to learn one step at a time in order to make my business a success.

5.  How do you feel about being “out of the broom closet” (a public witch)?  Have you faced any discrimination as a witch, or are most of the people in your life pretty accepting?

Luckily most people in my life are accepting of my spiritual path and I don’t often experience discrimination in person.  Online, however, I do experience some hate comments and ridicule, especially on my Youtube channel.  Oddly enough I find that other pagans and witches are often the ones who send me angry messages.  I wish our community as a whole could come together more and spend less time disagreeing.

6.  What’s your favorite Sabbat and how do you like to celebrate?

My favorite Sabbat is Beltane and I love to celebrate by renting a lake house in Wisconsin for the day.  I plan out a fun ritual that includes a lot of dancing around the bonfire and I invite all my pagan friends from the city to join.

7.  Do you have any advice for practicing solitaries?  Are there advantages to going it alone?

Even though I do have friends that are also witches I have never joined a formal coven so I would still consider myself a solitary witch.  While I would like to join a coven someday I haven’t yet found a group that would work for me.  I think there are several advantages to being solitary as you get to determine your own areas of interest and can do things at your own pace.  Also, even if there are not other witches in the area where you live, there is still a vibrant community of witches online that you can learn from.

8.  Where do you envision your business in 5 years?

Right now I do tarot readings, lessons, and business coaching though my site, Arcane Alchemy.  My goal is for my site to be a platform for other tarot readers out there to reach clients and offer their services.  I plan on bring on several other readers to my site soon as my scheduled readings are filling up most my day.  In the long term I will be creating the travel division of Arcane Alchemy where I will offer specialized pagan trips and adventures.  I will be creating a series of one week long trips that will be going to a variety of sacred locations.  Some of the initial trip ideas I have include a tarot themed trip to Italy and a Norse pagan focused trip to Scandinavia.

9.  Is there anything else you’d like to share with us?

Thanks so much for connecting with me.  It’s wonderful to meet others on this path.

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

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