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What is Akasha (Meaning Explained)

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Written by: Dawn Black (Witchipedia)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Akasha is a Sanskrit word referring to the base material contained in all things.

The literal meaning is “space” or “sky” and the closest Western synonym is Aether and it has also been related to modern Paganism’s fifth element, Spirit, or aether.

Subsequently, in the esoteric circles the term Akasha was correlated with the concept of Aether and assumed its elemental attributes.

Added to this is also Rudolf Steiner’s interpretation of the word, who in his Chronicles of Akasha speaks of the Akashic Library, which contains all the knowledge of the world and the accounts of the history of Lemuria and Atlantis.

Today, we speak of Akasha as a dimension with a very high vibrational frequency, where Universal Love, Knowledge and Unity reign.

In this dimension, the Creatures of Light dwell as Guides and Masters of various kinds, such as the Ascended Masters and the Masters of the Akasha. There are also other Masters who instead arrive on this plane in order to deliver the messages that must arrive on Gaia (AKA planet Earth).


The Akasha, often referred to as the “Ether” or “Fifth Element,” is a fundamental concept in esoteric and witchcraft traditions.

It is believed to be a cosmic, ethereal substance that records every thought, emotion, and event throughout history, forming the Akashic Records or Akashic Annals.

The origins of the Akasha trace back to ancient Indian philosophy, where it is considered the primordial source of all creation.

Practitioners in the esoteric world access the Akashic Records through meditation and divination to gain insights, knowledge, and even glimpse past lives.

What are the Akashic Annals?

Thanks to the Theosophical Society in New York, from 1875 onwards, akasha has seen a resurgence in discussion.

Madame Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner and Edgard Cayce use phrases such as Akashic Chronicle, Akashic Memory, Akashic Records, Akashic Annals and Akashic Documents in their works to indicate the “Collection” of information contained in these vibrant and energetic “folders”.

Over time, these terms became common and interchangeable.

Book of the Sun (akashic records), By Yuko Sishii, artxchange

What is the Aether?

Aether is the 5th element. It is impalpable but is perceptible through extrasense. It is pure energy and is distinguished from matter which is solid and tangible.

An akashic experience cannot be “scientifically proven”, but it is something that passes through the Heart Chakra and experienced via extrasense.

Those with the gift of Clairvoyance can see the endless shelves and books that Rudolf Steiner and others talk about. Those who perceive akasha often feel shivers and heightened emotions. Clairvoyants can feel the information from akasha coming before it arrives and those who are clear-sighted begin to know things without any idea of how they come to know them.

The Akashic Records or Books of Life are a database in which everything is present. It is a sort of interdimensional Google where you can find all human and universal knowledge. Each person, creature, animal, being of light, star, planet, flower, plant and concept has its own Akashic book. To access the Akashic Record of another person, you must have consent, otherwise the book will appear blank or you will not be able to perceive it.

In these cases, the right and ethical way to act is to ask your Registry. For example, you could ask: What can I know about my relationship with [name]?

What is the Akasha? The Origins

The history of akasha begins with the ancient Greeks, for whom it was the crystalline element with which the universe was made. Plato argued that the had the shape of a dodecahedron, a regular solid composed of twelve faces, whose number of sides corresponded with the twelve signs of the zodiac.

Aristotle, on the other hand, took a systematic view of it, which remained prevalent in the West. He argued that the aether constituted the essence of the celestial world, thus distinguishing it from the four elements of which he believed the terrestrial world was composed. Aristotle also believed that the aether was eternal, immutable, weightless and transparent; and, precisely because of the eternity and static nature of the aether, the cosmos was an immutable place compared to the Earth, which is a place of continuous change.

Aristotle sculpture

Aristotle believed that the Sun and the various planets were also made of aether, and therefore considered them to be real living beings with a soul, which coincided with the gods of Greek mythology.

Subsequently, the nature of the aether continued to be investigated in every time and culture, being understood as the universal medium that fills space by connecting everything and bringing it back to primary unity. Due to its characteristic of being a “vital force that conserves the memory of forms”, or “biological memory”, the aether was considered the constitutive element of the Soul of the World by the alchemists who tried to produce the philosopher’s stone.

Although thanks the progress of science the real structure of the universe has been discovered, the ancient concept of the aether continues to be understood as a substance permeating the cosmos. Einstein’s theories in which he affirms that space is dense, not empty, gives reason to the first Greek philosophers.

The Akasha in the Esoteric World

In the field of esotericism, however, the aether was studied in theosophy and was identified with the oriental concepts of akasha at the cosmic level and prana at the individual level.

To delve into the details of Hinduism for a moment, it should be noted that the term akasha is used in this culture to indicate the basic essence of all things in the material world, the smallest element created by the astral world. Akasha is therefore one of the five great elements, the main characteristic of which is sound. The quality of the aether is the ability to make things exist within it. Thus it was that at the end of the nineteenth century that the Indian term was identified with the analogous concept of aether from Western philosophy.

A different and much more articulated interpretation appears in the works of Rudolf Steiner, for whom akasha, by virtue of its ability to contain and connect together every event of space and time, represents a sort of universal library that brings together all the knowledge of the world, which he names the “Akashic Chronicle”.

After creating this premise, it goes without saying that the Spirit or aether or akasha makes it the most mysterious and extraordinary element among the 5. The fifth element is the fusion and transformation of the other 4 elements. In the akasha, therefore, all the elements find dimension, and as such there is a small part of akasha in each element. Even within us there is that particular spark of spirit that allows us to exist.

When the moment of our death comes, the spark of akasha returns to unity. Spirit is the heart of a Witch. This element manifests itself with any image your mind wants to give it. It represents you as well as the power you are capable of directing to your magical goal.

Main matches for akasha

  • It governs: the way, the magic, the spirituality, the evolution.
  • Colors: all colors of the spectrum, particularly violet
  • Direction: the center, the inside and the outside, the above and the below
  • Zodiac signs: none in particular
  • Metals: none in particular
  • Stones: diamond
  • Instruments: cord and second cauldron
  • Plants and trees: none in particular
  • Animals: none in particular
  • Divinity: all
  • Musical instruments: none in particular; sound in general
  • Elemental: none in particular
  • Season: none in particular
  • Period of life: moment of suspension after death and before rebirth
  • Organs: brain and pineal gland
  • Sense: hearing
  • Planet: none in particular
  • Chakra: sahasrara, the crown chakra
  • Tarot: none in particular
  • Runes: none in particular
  • Energy: receptive and projective
  • Manifestation: pure energy

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About Morningbird (Witchipedia's Founder)

I am a homesteading hearth witch who grew up along the shores of the Hudson River and has lived among the Great Lakes for the past 20 years. Together with my musical husband and youngest child, I steward a one-acre mini homestead with herb, vegetable and flower gardens, chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits, and areas reserved for native plants and wildlife. 

I have three children; two are grown, and I have been practicing magick alone and with family and friends for over 30 years.

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