New Specials in February: See What's New!

February's Full Moon: Read About It

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Monetization & Affiliate Linking

I love my readers, and I love devoting my time to creating high-quality, original content.

This is made possible by a number of monetization strategies, including affiliate linking.  That means if you see something on my blog you like and you click through to buy it, I may earn a small commission.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

You will never pay more than you would have anyway.

Fortunately, because of sites like Amazon, I am able to independently select & recommend things I genuinely like and don’t need to rely on promoting sponsors or products that don’t meet my quality standards.   I carefully curate everything I recommend to ensure that my affiliate links are relevant and useful.

This approach keeps my site free of charge to you and allows me to continue to produce high-quality content that’s actually worth reading.

Please seek medical/legal advise!

Please never, never rely on the information provided by Moody Moons for medical or legal matters.

While Magickal Spot often covers topics related to health and wellness from a spiritual perspective, it is never my intention to take the place of a qualified professional.

News flash, kids:  the internet is not infallible or an appropriate source of treatment advice for issues best dealt with by a doctor or a lawyer.  Hello.

All images on this site are copyrighted.

The vast majority of the images on this site are original.

There are a few exceptions, but in the event that I use a photo that is not my own, I am careful to note it.

Even then, it’s still copyrighted by someone and I assure you, I got permission to use it.  Because I respect the artists I work with.

Please do the same.

Producing high-quality images is a lot of work.  I periodically search my images for violations, and if I find one, I will report it.

If you want to use one of my pictures, please just do the decent thing and ask.  My rates are extremely reasonable, and if you can get me some decent publicity, I may even let you use it for free.

Respect your karma.

Blessed be.