September brings Virgo season accompanied by Libra season starting September 22nd. Both signs have strong psychological gifts; Virgo is ruled by communication planet Mercury, while Libra is an air sign.
As Virgo’s symbol is the Virgin or Maiden who strives for purity in all areas of life, this puts the focus on psychological excellency, as well as inner strength and resilience, mental self-mastery, and perfected intelligence.
Lo que hay que saber:
- This New Moon promotes the correct use of practical magic, mental gifts, and resources to create sustainability and security in your world.
- Consult your natal charts for further contemplation; any planets falling in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces can shine a light on self-development and growth areas.
Sobre el autor
Tina Caro es bruja con más de 10 años de experiencia, yogui, astróloga y una apasionada defensora de todo lo holístico. También es propietaria del sitio web Magickal Spot, donde habla de una variedad de sus temas favoritos.
Magickal Spot ha ayudado a miles de lectores en todo el mundo, y ha trabajado personalmente con cientos de clientes y les ha ayudado a manifestar deseos para tener una vida más feliz y abundante.
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Ofrezco hechizos para casi cualquier propósito, tanto en magia blanca como en magia negra segura, así como hechizos de luna nueva y luna llena. ¡Los hechizos de luna nueva y luna llena son una gran manera de aumentar el poder de su hechizo ya que cada lanzamiento de luna mejorada utiliza artículos y materiales especiales que se sabe que funcionan muy bien durante estas fases de la luna para fortalecer su lanzamiento y puede incluso disminuir el tiempo de manifestación también!
Los lanzamientos mejorados por la Luna también son completamente independientes de tu lanzamiento base, por lo que es un segundo lanzamiento que también potenciará el lanzamiento original, proporcionando resultados aún más fuertes.
Lo que puede esperar de mí:
- Enfoque privado y personalizado
- Casting realizado en menos de 24h
- Sólo los mejores ingredientes y herramientas
- Consultas gratuitas antes y después del lanzamiento de hechizos
Algunos testimonios de clientes:
Encontrará más testimonios en la página de cada producto.
Utilice un Descuento 15% disponible para todos los hechizos de luna nueva. Estos hechizos mejorados utilizan objetos y materiales que se sabe que están "sobrecargados" por el poder de la Luna Nueva, lo que da como resultado hechizos más fuertes y potentes.
Usa el código: luna15 al pagar.
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¿Qué puede esperar?
Cómo te afecta personalmente esta Luna Nueva:-
Signos de fuego (Aries, Leo y Sagitario)
Be more practical and pay attention to the small details, because your visionary and idealistic mind will benefit from a more modest approach.
Professional connections are flowing to you now, as long as you give respect to those more shy or humble than you. Shine, without stepping directly on the little people.
Signos de tierra (Tauro, Virgo y Capricornio)
It’s your time for a work victory, financial windfall, or career promotion. This is a very auspicious time for some of you, you’re seeing the fruits of your labor, and if you have time and funds you may want to consider an extra self-development or professional course or diploma.
Level up by thinking big while playing to your strengths.
Signos de aire (Géminis, Libra y Acuario)
Your cerebral and cognitive gifts are soaring; if you’re a speaker, manager, writer, publicist, or work in the public eye in any way, you can expect to have fun.
Work meets joy in big ways, and this only expands your capacity for more happiness and prosperity. Imagination meets reality for true abundance and success.
Signos de agua (Cáncer, Escorpio y Piscis)
Practicalities meet creativity in exciting and new ways. You’re known for being deep, instinctive, and emotional- never compromise these traits. But, being a realist is key to finding the connections, opportunities, and resources you need. Balance your logical and analytical left brain for world domination…
Your soul path is relying on you to be brave.
Security, Stability, and Sensuality
The ‘3 s’,’ Virgo represents security, stability, and sensuality, in addition to creating order and structure. There’s a unique managerial quality to Virgo, it comes effortlessly to them. Ruled by the 6th house of work, health, order, routines, and mundane chores, Virgo teaches us to cherish and honor the little things. It’s the small details that manifest the final vision!
The smaller steps, mundane chores and nuances of life, and daily hustle, wind and grind need to be respected. This is how to achieve, create, and manifest long-term. Sustainability and longevity are very important over this New Moon; it’s less about pleasure and instant gratification and more about hard work.
Some of Virgo’s greatest strengths include hard work, ambition, tenacity, discipline, and commitment. They’re organized and structured, and know how to make sacrifices. Combined with this is their totally devoted and modest nature; there is no sign quite as respectful or modest as Virgo.
Their humility is saintlike, they’re selfless and devoted to friends and family, and know how to compromise their peace and joy, or even health, to be of service. On this note, it’s useful to be aware of their shadow. In their desire to be the perfect friend, helper, or lover, they can create health issues for themselves.
A Virgo Moon is known for producing minor to major psychosis- always thinking, over-analyzing, and going over plans or details… in insane amounts! Virgo is the worrier who scrutinizes to the point of mental disparity. Psychological and neurological disorders are common with this sign, as is the tendency towards pessimistic thinking.
Being so practical and detail-focused produces a negative mindset, least to mention, burn-out, a lack of rest and play (all work), and physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual health issues.
The goal of this New Moon is therefore to energize the good qualities of Virgo while being aware of their glyph, the Virgin. Like the Virgin, we may get too attached to ideals of purity and service. A bit of mess is ok. Chaos is a natural part of life. It’s in darkness where light grows and is found. You get the idea.
From this disparity and mental chaos or confusion, true order can be found. And this is the purpose of a Virgo Moon, to accept, be patient, and find virtue, to then alchemize it into longevity. Longevity applies to all life themes; you can have longevity of finances, health, creative gifts, professional ventures, home, security, spirituality, soul growth, fun, and so on.
Sensuality meets sensibility; practicalities, respect for the material world, and self-accountability are highlighted. Although ruled by an airy planet, Virgo is an earth sign, so they engage with the world with their senses- they just have more of an analytical and logical approach than, say, Taurus, who is ruled by ultra-feminine planet Venus.
This Virgo Moon guides us to our highest potential through embracing the need for security, strong roots, and material assets and foundations that serve our spirits.
Psychological Excellency
Virgo is symbolic of psychological gifts- cerebral, cognitive, and mental powers. They’re excellent problem-solvers, planners, analysts, rationalists, and intellectuals. Virgo’s professions include manager, scientist, data analyst, IT specialist, researcher, writer, publisher, editor, accountant, speaker, designer, life coach, librarian, or business person.
They make excellent handy-people, too, ranging in a number of skills from carpentry to cars and cleaning or cooking to plumbing and electricianship.
Psychological excellence can be developed this month. At home and at work, in pleasure or work, and in any area of life. Choose logic, attune to inner wit, observational powers of subtle perception and intelligence, and remember the power of cognitive abilities.
Virgo possesses empathy and emotional intelligence- at high levels, but they also prefer to think, observe, and analyze overseeing with spiritual eyes or the emotional depth their opposite sign, Pisces, has.
Remember that astrology teaches us to find balance and harmony with our opposite sign, and this is a collective theme that applies to the lunar cycles as well. Thus, Virgo is an analyst! Merging with this acute higher intelligence and mental cognition with empathy and sensitivity is your framework for success.
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Consult your natal chart: where does Mercury fall? The sign Mercury lies in in your birth chart can shed profound insight into your observation, problem-solving, and communication style. As Mercury is Virgo’s ruler, it’s important you figure out any problem areas as well as where you shine. Here is a brief guide:
Mercury in:-
Aries: You are innovative, original, and intelligent and know how to take charge in conversations. You’re confident and mentally active with potent psychological gifts.
Taurus: You are benevolent, generous, and service-oriented in your communication style and tend to speak when it’s to be helpful, turning ideas into plans. Communication meets altruism.
Géminis: You are an excellent communicator with all the qualities of Mercury and the higher mind perfected! You can, however, lack emotions and feelings, so you need to work on integrating your right brain.
Cáncer: You are passive and evasive, preferring to rely on instincts and feelings rather than intellect. But, you are rational and logical when matters of home and family, or healing/counseling, are involved.
Leo: You’re bold, direct, and very sociable- you have no problem speaking or shining in a public eye. Being overly assertive or dominant in speech may be an issue, despite expressing yourself with passion.
Virgo: You’re a major analyst, deep thinker, and problem-solver who speaks to ensure key practicalities in life; wise, insightful, and incredibly observant. Higher intelligence meets empathy.
Libra: You’re deceiving, wise, intelligent, analytical, and perceptive. You’re friendly and charming with a sweet personality that enjoys conversing with others. A social chameleon!
Escorpio: You converse with your higher self and the universe more than others, although this changes much later in life. You’re deep, soulful, somewhat depressive/pessimistic, and focused more on self-growth and intimacy than being the life and soul of a party.
Sagitario: Open-minded, optimistic, and honest. You’re direct and bold with a spotlight personality. You’re so philosophical that others often mistake you for a real-life teacher or guru, even when you lack qualifications or experience. Be mindful of verbal impulsiveness.
Capricornio: You’re a clear and concise speaker who commands respect and attention; you turn ideas into action and are a master realist. You’re concerned with facts and reality while possessing intuitive and instinctive gifts to guide you.
Acuario: Incredibly witty, friendly, and optimistic, you love to learn, communicate, and connect with others. You gather ideas and wisdom in solitude and then share it with others- you possess sharp intelligence, creativity, and innovation. Be mindful of verbal impatience.
Piscis: You are a dreamer and deep thinker who gets immersed in the world of fantasy, imagination, and spirituality. Lacking practical awareness and logic, you are psychic and feeling-oriented; you tend to communicate instinctively, empathically, and telepathically!
Empathic Mindfulness
This New Moon is the perfect representation of empathic mindfulness, alchemizing emotional mastery and empathy into mindfulness. The beauty with this New Moon is that Virgo is a deeply sensual, kind, and warm-hearted earth sign, con the logical and cerebral qualities of an air sign. This gives a balanced approach, further allowing both yin (earth and water) and yang (fire and air) signs to play to their strengths.
There’s something for everyone in this New Moon, and no matter your Sun, Moon, Rising, or Mercury sign, you can find comfort and wisdom for transformation. For example, if you’ve discovered your Mercury is in Aries, you can integrate the knowledge that you are confident and mentally gifted while needing to work on sensitivity and feelings.
If you’ve figured out your Mercury is in Pisces, you may be thrilled to know how intuitive and imaginative you are, yet still need to work on logic and higher reasoning.
Although Virgo is not one of the three duality signs, their ruling planet represents duality in many ways. The higher mind involves the left brain and right brain, in which cases balance and harmonization are required.
(Gemini, Mercury’s other ruler, is also a duality sign!) Empathic mindfulness is a key life goal in many cultures, religions, and continents, from the big religions to Taoism and Daoism in the East, and new scientific communities to spiritual cultures and practices, old and new.
This is living empathically- feelings, instincts, emotions, sensitivity, and femininity, and mindfully- logic, masculine attributes, science, realism, and observation. Self-awareness is the joining quality that binds the left brain and right brain together.
Furthermore, the bridge is the heart. Working on your heart chakra is an excellent idea! One of Virgo’s colors is green, with green ruling the heart chakra. Tolerance, empathy, humility, modesty, and kindness can be practiced. You can work on self-acceptance, patience, and understanding- one of Virgo’s main shadow (toxic) attributes is being way too critical of self and others.
Virgo loves to analyze and break things down, and the negative manifestation of this is excessive scrutiny. Why judge every little detail when you can see from the big picture? Holism and vision can be worked on.