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Altares, By Moody Moons, Sea Witch, Summer Magic

Your Sea Witch Altar: Designing & Maintaining Space For the Element of Water in Your Life

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Revisado por: Tina Caro

Keeping a sea witch altar helps to deepen your connection with the Element of Water, “go with the flow” and honor the changing tides in your life.  Check out the article below for ideas to design yours!

(By the way, do you want to get an in-depth crash course in sea witchery?  Check out Moody Moon’s online course, Introduction to Ocean Magic)

What is a sea witch?

If the term “sea witch” sounds completely new to you, I recommend exploring Moody Moon’s archives for the term “sea witch” to get a better feel for the art.

But generally, a sea witch is anyone who works with the ocean or the Element of Water specifically as a part of their spell craft.

Sea witchery incorporates easily into any existing practice, so no matter your path, if you feel drawn to the ocean, the Element of Water or beach life, adding this aspect to your craft makes perfect sense!

You need not live near the sea to practice this form of witchcraft, or even practice it year-round.

Personally, I think of myself more as a seasonal sea witch.  I find sea magick especially soothing and appropriate during the late spring, summer and early autumn.

But those months also provide the most accommodating weather in my region, so that helps!

As the summer months begin to roll in, I always set aside space in my home to pay homage to the ocean and the Element of Water.  Currently, it looks like this:

Create a sea witch altar to connect with the Element of Water and your inner aquamarine goddess.

Gathering Materials for Your Altar

Say you live 1,000 miles from the nearest beach.  We call you a “land-locked” sea witch, and we excuse you from actually journeying to the ocean to get your sea witch tools.

Craft stores supply many natural, sea-related items for you to use.

However, if you live within a few hundred miles of the coastline, an annual “pilgrimage” to the shorelines probably already found a place on your calendar a long time ago.

So make the most of your trip there and gather what you need.  Collect things like:

-a jar of ocean water

-seagull feathers

-sea shells


-dried seaweed

-sea glass

-loose sand


-pressed palm leaves

-dried coconut

-sea salt (go the extra mile and make your own)

If you like souvenir shops and whatnot, mermaid statues (especially on the East Coast of the United States) almost always dot the shelves of the local tourist shacks and they make lovely statuary.

sea witch altar

Make It Magical

So what’s the difference between a sea altar and a collection of ocean-related items on a table?

You and your intentions!

Consider the following ideas to infuse your altar with your magical intentions.

-Sprinkle ocean water lightly over your altar to “refresh” the ocean energy

-burn coconut incense to raise tropical vibrations

-play “Sounds of the Ocean” soundtracks and meditate near your altar

-use (naturally) colored sand in your sea spells to match your intention

-(if you’re a signo de agua) honor your zodiac sign with symbols that represent your stars

Dedication & Deities

If your tradition includes honoring gods or goddesses for whom the ocean holds sacred power or symbolism, lucky you!

Wikipedia has an extensive list of ocean gods.  Nearly every oceanic civilization in the world at one time recognized some form of sea deity, so chances are, your ancestors did, too!

If you feel so moved, place a piece of statuary or an appropriate traditional offering on your sea altar to the sea deities in your panteón.

Maintaining Your Sea Altar

Keep your altar free from unrelated items (no setting your coffee cup on it, please!).

Periodically rearrange the items to refresh the energy and keep your espacio sagrado from “going stale.

Finally, remember that no altar needs to be permanent.  If you feel the Element of Water taking over you practice, change things up and focus on something else for a while.

Bendito sea.

How to Build & Maintain Your Sea Witch Altar


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Acerca de Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

new pic - lumina indigo magickal spot

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¿Qué le falta a su vida actual que desea profundamente?

¿Encontrar un nuevo amor o hacer que el que ya tienes sea más sano que nunca? ¿Quizá un poco de positivismo que haga florecer tu vida como nunca pensaste que podría hacerlo? ¿O es algo único lo que le falta a su vida?

El lanzamiento de hechizos es un arte que NO debe ser tomado descuidadamente. Si estás tratando de resolver un problema al que te enfrentas, deberías considerar contratar a un brujo profesional que haga hechizos de forma segura para todos los involucrados. De esta manera, usted sabe que está siendo hecho por alguien con experiencia y conocimientos, y También estoy siempre a su disposición para responder a sus preguntas sobre el casting y realizar un seguimiento sin coste adicional.

He estado lanzando hechizos durante más de una década y he trabajado en privado con clientes de todo el mundo.

Puedes esperar sesiones privadas, hechizos personalizados que crearé sólo para ti, y consultas gratuitas antes y después del lanzamiento de hechizos. También puedes leer cientos de testimonios diferentes que puedes encontrar en cada hechizo.

A continuación encontrarás los hechizos que puedes pedir y cuál es el hechizo especial de este mes.