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By Moody Moons, Herbs & Oils

Using Mugwort in Witchcraft & Spells

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Revisado por: Tina Caro

Mugwort is a classic spell ingredient with deep roots in historical folk magic.  Its use as an enchanted herb dates all the way back to the European Middle Ages.

Just the word artemisa conjures the image of an old woman bent over a fiery cauldron cooking up something magical.

Interested in incorporating it into your witchcraft practice?  Let’s look at some practical ways the make the most of this lovely plant in your spell-casting.

Sourcing Mugwort:  Forage, buy or grow?

Mugwort is considered an invasive species in North America and is not even remotely endangered or protected, making it an ideal herb for eco-conscious witches.

Although it is easy to cultivate in most places in the United States, use caution:  It spreads quickly and is quite tenacious.

If you know a location to find it, foraging is a great option.

However, if you want to grow it yourself, I recommend using pots!  If you’re an apartment-dwelling witch, it’s a perfect balcony herb (assuming you get plenty of sunlight).

And if neither one of these options are available to you, nearly all herbal shops and occult boutiques offer it for sale.

For travelers.

Roman soldiers used to place mugwort in their sandals to ease aching feet.

Its history as a traveler’s herb means it lends itself well to travel altars y spell bags.

To bless the garden.

Plant mugwort in your magical garden to bless your herbal harvest and welcome friendly spirits into your yard.

But be warned!  Mugwort is invasive, so give it plenty of space and prepare the keep it in check.

In dream spells.

This herb is known to inspire vivid and prophetic dreams.

Hang it over your bed, slip it into a pillow sachet or add it to a dream jar spell.

As a protection herb.

Mugwort is among the most powerful of protection herbs.

Fill a clear glass jar with this herb and rusty nails.

Then, bury it near the backdoor of your home for a potent spell to guard against spiritual darkness.

Kitchen witch spells.

Include this herb in bruja de la cocina recipes for protection as well.

Harvested in summer or early fall, it takes on a bitter flavor with something naturally sweet like honey.

In ritual incense and wands.

Dried mugwort burns well in incense wands for ritual.

Bundle it tightly when still fresh and leave the ends free.

It shrinks as it dries and loosens slightly.

Makes a lovely addition to summer floral herb wands or to celebrate Samhain.

Brooms & besoms

If you’ve never made your own besom, it’s time to give it a try!

Make one from mugwort and incorporate it into your next moon ritual for a super witchy touch.

Moon water.

Make a mugwort infusion by boiling it in a pot of water on the stove for 5-10 minutes.  Strain it and leave it under the luna llena for one night.

Then, use it to cleanse ritual tools, especially those used for divination.

Try scrying with it.

Mugwort makes an ideal herb for tea leaf reading.

Simply place some hot water in a mug and float a few fresh mugwort leaves in it.

Relax, dim the lights and gaze into the leaves.  Mentally ask a question that is on your mind just as you would before a tarot reading.

Allow your eyes to lose focus and see if a picture takes shape that answers your question.

To balance feminine energy.

Is girl drama taking over your coven lately?


Even the best group dynamics occasionally fall victim to gossip or jealousy.

Before you throw in the towel (er, broomstick), try passing around a cáliz of mugwort tea and having an honest conversation about the importance of sisterhood.

This herb balances feminine energies, especially when they’ve run amok!  


Mugwort just sounds magical. Learn to use this wild-growing herb in your spells and witchcraft.

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Acerca de Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

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