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By Moody Moons, Bruja Verde

10 Magical Uses for Peppermint

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Revisado por: Tina Caro

Check out these magical uses for peppermint and make the most of your herb garden this season.

The bright, fresh scent of peppermint is a powerful herb for cleansing, mental sharpness, and even dream magic.

Versatile & abundant, it’s easy to find at your local garden center or even growing wild during spring and summer.  Wherever you find it, there’s probably plenty, so be sure to dry some for the winter!

Dream Salve

Peppermint is known for its ability to enhance “third eye” awareness and peaceful sleep.  

Try using peppermint essential oil in this amazing recipe for dream salve.

Cocktail Potions

If you’ve never experimented with cocktail potions, you’re missing out.  

Cocktails (or mocktails, if you don’t drink) have a ton of potential as a potion format. 

I love mint in a spring cocktail.  Try this Irish Garden Fairy Cocktail for a perfect example.

Hechizos de éxito

Are you working towards a more sound financial life? Support your efforts with this quick, easy money spell for beginners. Just 4 simple spell ingredients you can get anywhere!

Mint is associated with success, prosperity, and upward mobility.  Add dried mint to a financial well-being/money spell to align your spirit with your highest earthly goals.

Put it in the cloth or bag you keep your tarot cards or runes in. 

Place some dried peppermint in the bag with your tarot cards along with a piece of clear quartz crystal.

Its cleansing properties keep the energy clear and fresh.

Use it in the sick room. 

Being stuck inside and stuck in bed creates stale energy in the spirit.  

If you are caring for a sick kiddo or a sick spouse (or anyone else) trying putting some aceite esencial de menta in an oil diffuser in the sick room.

Or, grab a fresh bunch from the garden and put it in a vase like a bouquet.  

Peppermint clears the psychic gunk that tends to collect when you are sick.

Claridad mental

Got brain fog?

Whether you are facing a tough decision or you just need to clear your head after life’s little upheavals, the scent of peppermint helps cut through the noisy mental chaos.

Divination Tea 

Divination tea doesn’t need to be fancy to be effective.  You can make a simple brew from peppermint leaves alone.  Simply steep fresh leaves in hot water for 3-5 minutes and sip on it before or during your next lectura del tarot.

Reading Tea Leaves

While you’re at it, try tea leaf reading with dried peppermint tea leaves. 

Just brew some hot water and drop the leaves in.  It’s just like looking for shapes in the clouds!  See what pops into your mind first and use this as a jumping-off point for a reading.

Pro tip:  Whole dried leaves work better for this than crushed ones.  


Nicholas Culpeper asociaba todas las plantas de menta con el planeta Venus. Other sources associate peppermint with the signs Virgo o Acuarioy el elemento del aire.

La menta piperita, una hierba con una rica historia que se remonta al antiguo Egipto, se asocia desde hace siglos con propiedades curativas y mágicas.

En el ámbito de la magia, la menta es conocida por sus cualidades protectoras y su capacidad para potenciar las habilidades psíquicas, lo que la convierte en una elección popular para hechizos y rituales.

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Acerca de Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

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