October Specials: Novedades

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By Moody Moons, Earth Mom

How to Support Your Teen Witch

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Revisado por: Tina Caro

If your teenager recently discovered modern magic, witchcraft, or Wicca, this article is for you!

Today, we’re going to talk about why there’s no need to worry (any more than usual, at least).

Bask in the knowledge that your kid is a deep thinker.

One thing I think is overlooked by adults (both pagan and non-pagan) when a teenager is exploring magic:

This kid is a seeker.  

While a lot of people their age are off trying to be like the latest TikTok star, your kid is asking the big questions: 

Who are we?  Why are we here?  What is my relationship to nature and the universe?

That’s huge.  You can work with that.

Emphasize the values that you share.

Even if you think witchcraft and magic are all hocus pocus, odds are, you share something in common with your teen witch in terms of values and ideas.  

All practitioners are different, of course, and different traditions teach a wide variety of spiritual values.  But here’s some ideas that most modern magical communities share:

-Respect for nature

-Responsibility for your actions

-Empowerment of the individual to effect change, both in one’s own life and in the world at large

-Honoring the sacred in your life

-Respect for your heritage and the cultures of others

Don’t be afraid to hold them accountable for their convictions.

If your teen witch gets self-righteous or preachy about their spirituality, welcome it.  

Because that swings both ways, sister.

Did you get a lecture from your vegan teen witch about how eating meat harms the planet?  Remind them that their addiction to fast fashion does, too.   Offer to go one night a week without meat if they agree to go thrifting next time they “need” a new pair of jeans.  

It’s counterintuitive, but it shows your teen witch that you’re taking them at their word, and you expect them to respect themselves enough to have the courage of their convictions.

It may be just a phase—-or not.

Teenagers have short attention spans.  Really short.

Remember your Nirvana phase?  Your girl-next-door phase?   Your purple hair phase?  Think back to your first crush.  You were totally going to marry him.  Do you even remember his name? 

Whatever your phases in adolescence, I’d bet a hefty sum that most of them didn’t stick.

This one might not either.

It’s realistic to assume that your teenager is exploring her spirituality, and this may just be one stop on a long journey.

Respect it, but don’t take it too seriously—-yet. 

Offer to take her to a shop or event.

There are lots of ways to support your teenager even if you are not comfortable with the idea of participating in a moon ritual.  (After all, they may not be comfortable with that, either).

You can take them to an outdoor festival or visit a new-age shop.  Or offer to order some books.

Whatever your comfort level is (and theirs), I encourage you to explore with your teen witch. 

It will not only show your acceptance and support, but I think you’ll find it reassuring for you as well.  Whatever you’ve seen in movies or television, you’ll find that paganism/witchcraft/Wiccan communities tend to be very warm, welcoming and (just a little) quirky. 

If nothing else, you’ll be some super interesting people.  Trust me.

Take some time to reassure yourself.

There’s a lot de misconceptions about modern witchcraft.

Take some time to do a little research.  

You’ll likely find that modern magic is just like any other spiritual path—complicated, beautiful and just a little mysterious.

You might even find you’re a little witch curious yourself.

Just don’t tell your teen witch.  She’s really enjoying watching you freak out about this.

Dod your teenager recently "come out" as a witch?  Don't freak out.  You got this.

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Acerca de Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

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¿Qué le falta a su vida actual que desea profundamente?

¿Encontrar un nuevo amor o hacer que el que ya tienes sea más sano que nunca? ¿Quizá un poco de positivismo que haga florecer tu vida como nunca pensaste que podría hacerlo? ¿O es algo único lo que le falta a su vida?

El lanzamiento de hechizos es un arte que NO debe ser tomado descuidadamente. Si estás tratando de resolver un problema al que te enfrentas, deberías considerar contratar a un brujo profesional que haga hechizos de forma segura para todos los involucrados. De esta manera, usted sabe que está siendo hecho por alguien con experiencia y conocimientos, y También estoy siempre a su disposición para responder a sus preguntas sobre el casting y realizar un seguimiento sin coste adicional.

He estado lanzando hechizos durante más de una década y he trabajado en privado con clientes de todo el mundo.

Puedes esperar sesiones privadas, hechizos personalizados que crearé sólo para ti, y consultas gratuitas antes y después del lanzamiento de hechizos. También puedes leer cientos de testimonios diferentes que puedes encontrar en cada hechizo.

A continuación encontrarás los hechizos que puedes pedir y cuál es el hechizo especial de este mes.