I love spell boxes. Whether yours look artistic, expressive and beautiful or more like a 3rd grader’s craft project, spell boxes are easy to personalize for your purpose.
This full moon, start a spell box, but don’t finish it until the next full moon.
Start by picking a (realistic) goal. Something you can reasonably accomplish in one moon cycle. Modest weight loss, new job, starting a new hobby or deepening a skill you already have. Whatever.
Get a box. I’m a fan of the small wooden ones available at most craft stores for about $1. Like this one.
But you don’t even need to go that far. A shoe box will do.
Decorate the box. Don’t be shy, now. Really abuse it. Carve symbols in it. Scar it with a wood-burning tool. Glitter, paint, stencils, super-glued seashells. Pick stuff suited to your endgame. Choose appropriate color(s) and symbols.
Bless that bad boy. Nothing fancy. A little sprinkling of spring water and some salt will do.
Spend the next month searching. For herbs, stones, words, and symbols to add to your box. You can either start with a list of things to look for or simply improvise. You’ll be amazed when an idea strikes you. Here’s a sample list for a hechizo de éxito.
*dollar bill
*mint leaves
*blank check
*high john
*10 of Pentacles tarot card
*cinnamon stick
Remember it is a work in progress. The joy is in the journey, and all that. Take your time. If not this moon cycle, than the next. Make it part of your Esbats until you get what you want.
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Great Idea,
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